About this person

O HAI. I guess you stumbled upon this blog. And wondering who I am... Obviously. Well I'll just grab a picture of myself.

That's me. I like to play games, listen to music and get completely fucked out my face with my mates.
My favourite game of all time has to be DJ Max Trilogy for the PC. It's just pure win. I also really badly want to go to South Korea. While most people love Japan, I love Korea. It has more awesome games in my opinion and also I prefer Pump it Up to DDR any day of the week.
I'm British (pip pip tally ho fuck off!), I don't like to drink tea. Personally I prefer beer.
But that's besides the point. That's who I am and what I do.
You can see me on Maplestory EU as GideonB. Yeah :D xD